Provide access to flexible financing options to make treatments more affordable for your dental patients. Grow your practice, save time, and schedule procedures faster with FinFi!
Manage patient financing from a single platform. Get paid in full for treatments and increase cash flow.
Dental practices can seamlessly integrate our streamlined, multi-lender, point of sale financing platform into their payment process.
Customize the financing plans to best suit the needs of your practice and your patients. Customize reporting to support back office accounting.
Point of sale financing makes treatments more affordable to more patients, increasing their purchasing power.
Patients can apply and compare prequalified offers in minutes without affecting their credit score. Prequalified offers are good for 30 days. No obligations. No hidden fees.
Our multi-lender patient financing platform was designed to increase approval rates by facilitating financing across the credit spectrum.
Our financing solutions work for private dental practices and DSO's. Use our off-the-shelf point of sale financing platform or we can build you a custom solution.
Live support 7-days a week. One on one training for your team when you onboard. Ongoing technical and marketing support.